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Read More about this safari issue.Just in case you’ve forgotten, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. While it’s become popular for many couples to dine out on this day of great romance, what’s wrong with supplementing that with a loving gesture of baking a sweet treat for your sweetie?
The answer? Nothing.
With that in mind, I set out to find a simple, fun and romantic dessert. This Valentine’s Day Cheesecake Brownies recipe is just the thing to ensure a winning holiday.
Click on the recipe and give it a good once-over, but you’ll also probably want to follow a few of these suggestions:
These brownies ended up being quite moist with a nice balance of sweetness and creaminess from the chocolate and cream cheese. After cutting them, you’ll notice a beautiful pink line of cheesecake running through the chocolate portion, making a wonderful presentation. As with any good brownie, these are both dense and a little chewy.
So, whether you’re looking to impress your partner with a romantic gesture or baking something fun and playful for the kids to enjoy, these Valentine’s Day Cheese Cake Brownies will definitely hit the spot.
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