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Read More about this safari issue.For a variety of reasons, not all children are eager to take over the family business. But when their father died unexpectedly, Dane Joneshill and Chelsea Joneshill Etheridge saw the opportunity to continue his legacy.
Dr. Barry Joneshill, who founded Remedies in 1994 in Rose Bud, Arkansas, was well known for helping individuals with holistic remedies. Four months after his death on Valentine’s Day in 2018, Dane and Chelsea reopened Remedies, making only a few small changes.
“I credit Dane with that decision,” Chelsea said. “He was wise enough to see that we had the ability to continue our Dad’s legacy. He understood that he had created something beautiful, and that he had left us a gift if we were just willing to try.”
Remedies defines Barry’s mission as the following: “Help people find their dignity, realize their potential, and live lives of health and wholeness. From his early days with the Peace Corps in Africa, to teaching in rural Alaska, to his passionate work in natural healing, he stayed true to that mission.”
Barry bought his first health food store in Paragould, Arkansas – over the phone, sight unseen – when his family was living in Alaska. He had been a teacher and was retiring after 23 years. “Holistic health had always been of great interest to him,” Chelsea explained. “As a young man, he served with the Peace Corps in Africa, where his eyes were opened to the many different modalities of healing.”
Chelsea said her father later chose Rose Bud for several reasons, though the primary one was because of its proximity to Searcy, where she and Dane were attending Harding University. He had also spent some time on a farm in Rose Bud as a college student himself, and the area held sweet memories for him. Chelsea and her husband and five children now live on that same farm.
After becoming a father, Barry was even more driven to pursue his learning of natural medicine, eventually receiving a doctorate of divinity degree and studying as a naturopath. “After finding his footing in the business, he quickly realized that there was a real need for supplements that both worked and were affordable,” Chelsea said. “That’s when he began designing specific formulas for his own line of products. He believed in them fully and named them ‘Thaumaturge,’ which means ‘bringer of miracles.’”
Soon after reopening Remedies, Chelsea said she and Dane noticed that there was a real demand for his Thaumaturge products. “There were incredible testimonies,” she said. “Every day someone would come in and share a story of how our dad had saved their life or the life of someone they knew. He had left Dane and me a journal with all of his original formulas. Seeing the need for these products ourselves, we decided to take a leap and go into the supplement business as well.”
There are 26 formulas in total, which remain unchanged. The siblings began with four, and the fifth will be released next month. They changed the name from Thaumaturge to Dr. Barry’s Eclectic Remedies and repackaged the design for more of an “old school pharmacy feel.” Formulas include “stone solver,” “emotional ease” and “hiatal health.”
Although Dane and Chelsea had worked with their father at Remedies at various times over the years, they took steps to become more knowledgeable on the subject. Along with their spouses, they went to school at Trinity School of Natural Health to become certified health coaches.
“Stepping into the entrepreneurial world is scary but also exhilarating,” Chelsea said of the undertaking. We’re looking forward to where this all may lead.” They created a website for the formulas, as well as an online store. The products also will be available on Amazon in the next few months.
“Our hope is to get Dr. Barry’s into health food stores across the nation,” Chelsea said. “We truly believe in these products and know that Dad left these behind as a gift to everyone. He understood that one’s health is imperative to one’s happiness. Our goal is to eventually have all 26 formulas back on the market. We continue to hope that Remedies will be a place where people feel understood and listened to and valued; where they can find affordable products and solid information.”
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Barry helped me several times with some simple remedy. I am so glad the two of you are continuing with the health food and products. Many will end suffering with your help.
Thank you
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